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Your College Plan
Freshman Year
Build strong academic, language, mathematics and critical thinking skills by taking challenging courses.
Study hard and get excellent grades. Colleges see your year end grades from ninth grade and the GPA becomes a part of the cumulative GPA on your transcript.
Strengthen your vocabulary by increasing your reading.
Get involved in extracurricular activities at school and in your community
Browse through college websites and social media accounts to get an idea of what kinds of schools may be of interest to you.
Check out which high school courses colleges require or prefer
Keep an academic portfolio and co-curricular record or resume.
Research career possibilities.
Look for a great summer opportunity.
Sophomore Year
Continue taking challenging courses.
Work hard and continue to make excellent grades.
Take the PSAT in October and the PreACT in November.
Get more involved with your extracurricular activities.
When you receive your PSAT results in December, read the materials sent with your score report and work on the areas you need to improve along with your teachers.
Introduced to SCOIR and granted access
Consider minimum and preferred high school courses for college admissions and certain career paths.
If there are college representatives visiting in the spring, come to the visits that may be of interest to you.
Look for a great summer opportunity.
Junior Year
Aug. Log into SCOIR to start following colleges of interest and to sign up for college visits to RCHS.
Oct. - Take the PSAT at school
Feb./Mar - Log into SCOIR and Complete Junior Conference Questionnaire for students and parents. Take the ACT at school and register for March or May SAT
Apr. - Discuss your college plans with your college counselor. Think about which teachers you will ask to write letters of recommendation.
May - Take AP Exams, and take or retake SAT
July - Research and visit colleges, think about your college essays.
Senior Year
Aug. Finalize your list of colleges with your college counselor. Start a checklist of all application materials, deadlines, fees, etc. If applicable, request application fee waivers from your college counselor.
Sept. - Create your FSA ID online in preparation to complete the FAFSA. Consult with your college counselor to determine whether Early Action/Early Decision options are appropriate for you.
Oct. - Take or retake SAT if applying early. Follow up with teachers about recommendation letters. Start filling out financial aid forms, such as FAFSA and CSS Profile.
Nov. - Take or retake SAT I. Submit Early Action/Early Decision applications, if applicable.
Jan. - Submit Financial Aid forms, Sends test scores to colleges
Feb-March. - Wait patiently for college acceptance letters.
Apr. - Make your final decision on what college to attend
May - Reply to all colleges
June - Graduate - CONGRATULATIONS!!