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Your College Plan

Freshman Year

  • Build strong academic, language, mathematics and critical thinking skills by taking challenging courses.

  • Study hard and get excellent grades. Colleges see your year end grades from ninth grade and the GPA becomes a part of the cumulative GPA on your transcript.

  • Strengthen your vocabulary by increasing your reading.

  • Get involved in extracurricular activities at school and in your community

  • Browse through college websites and social media accounts to get an idea of what kinds of schools may be of interest to you.

  • Check out which high school courses colleges require or prefer

  • Keep an academic portfolio and co-curricular record or resume. 

  • Research career possibilities.

  • Look for a great summer opportunity.

Sophomore Year

  • Continue taking challenging courses.

  • Work hard and continue to make excellent grades.

  • Take the PSAT in October and the PreACT in November.

  • Get more involved with your extracurricular activities. 

  • When you receive your PSAT results in December, read the materials sent with your score report and work on the areas you need to improve along with your teachers.

  • Introduced to SCOIR and granted access

  • Consider minimum and preferred high school courses for college admissions and certain career paths.

  • If there are college representatives visiting in the spring, come to the visits that may be of interest to you.

  • Look for a great summer opportunity.

Junior Year

  • Aug. Log into SCOIR to start following colleges of interest and to sign up for college visits to RCHS.

  • Oct. - Take the PSAT at school 

  • Feb./Mar - Log into SCOIR and Complete Junior Conference Questionnaire for students and parents. Take the ACT at school and register for March or May SAT

  • Apr. - Discuss your college plans with your college counselor. Think about which teachers you will ask to write letters of recommendation.

  • May - Take AP Exams, and take or retake SAT

  • July - Research and visit colleges, think about your college essays.

Senior Year

  • Aug. Finalize your list of colleges with your college counselor. Start a checklist of all application materials, deadlines, fees, etc. If applicable, request application fee waivers from your college counselor.

  • Sept. - Create your FSA ID online in preparation to complete the FAFSA. Consult with your college counselor to determine whether Early Action/Early Decision options are appropriate for you. 

  • Oct. - Take or retake SAT if applying early. Follow up with teachers about recommendation letters. Start filling out financial aid forms, such as FAFSA and CSS Profile.

  • Nov. - Take  or retake SAT I. Submit Early Action/Early Decision applications, if applicable. 

  • Jan. - Submit Financial Aid forms, Sends test scores to colleges

  • Feb-March. - Wait patiently for college acceptance letters.

  • Apr. - Make your final decision on what college to attend

  • May - Reply to all colleges

  • June - Graduate - CONGRATULATIONS!!

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