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The application period will open on January 13, 2025 and will close on February 28, 2025.​
To submit an application, please visit https://raleighcharterhsnc.scriborder.com/. For instructions on how to complete the application, click here.
The admissions lottery will be held on Friday, March 21, 2025.
To learn about Admissions at RCHS, please read the information below and review the Admissions FAQ.
Important 2025-2026 Admissions Dates:
January 13: Application window opens
February 5: Open House for Prospective Families, 5:30 - 7:30 pm
February 28: Application window closes
March 21: Admissions Lottery
Open Houses for Prospective Families
Our Prospective Student Open House was held on February 5, 2025. Click here to view the parent handout from our Open House presentation. In April, we also held another Open House just for students who were admitted in the lottery to help them to make a decision about whether or not to attend RCHS.
General Admissions Information
Raleigh Charter High School is an independent, public, college-preparatory school that serves students from North Carolina. Prospective students complete an application for admission. Admission to the school is by public lottery. You can view some frequently asked questions here.
We accept applications over a period of several weeks during the first few months of the year, usually from late January to late February. Applications can be completed online during this time period. The dates of the application period are posted in December for the following year. A link to the application website will be posted on the first day of the application period. Families with limited or no internet access may visit the school office during business hours to complete an application during the application period. The Admissions Lottery is typically held 3 to 4 weeks after the application period ends. Lottery results are emailed to all applicants. We do not accept applications for admission at any other times during the year.
Learn more about Raleigh Charter High School: College Profile, Curriculum Guide, Brochure about RCHS
All applications for students accepted by NC charter schools must be from parents who are currently legal residents of North Carolina. The domicile must be in place at the time of the student application. In order to be included in the admissions lottery, an application to RCHS must list a North Carolina residence.
Prospective students complete an application for admission to Raleigh Charter High School. Applicants must be ready for Math 1/Algebra 1 or a higher mathematics course in the ninth grade. During high school, students must take at least four courses in math and at least two consecutive years of a foreign language in order to graduate from Raleigh Charter High School. We offer math courses from Math 1 to Calculus 3. Many courses are offered only at the honors (advanced) level
Siblings of current RCHS students, siblings of RCHS graduates who finished all four years at RCHS (and graduated), and children of full-time employees are given priority. The current student must be enrolled for one year before sibling status is granted.
We hold an Information Session to give prospective students and parents a chance to view the school campus, to visit staff members, and to hear programs about our school.