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Our Mission
Mission Statement
Raleigh Charter High School challenges college-bound students in a creative and supportive atmosphere to become knowledgeable, thoughtful, contributing citizens.
Preamble and Principles
We, of RCHS, intend to cultivate the understanding and practices that sustain individual self-determination and community self-government. We have adopted the following principles in order to ensure that all who pass through our halls can imagine, create, and govern a more perfect world.
We believe:
That a foundation of knowledge and ethics must precede all intellectual inquiry;
That if we
encourage self-awareness
build and maintain local communities
develop an awareness of our membership in ever larger communities
work consciously towards equity and against oppression and injustice
recognize and embrace the dignity of every human being
engage in common enterprise
facilitate problem solving
foster balance in life and
take ownership and responsibility for learning
We shall become good citizens.
We graduate citizens of the world by creating an interconnected learning environment that combines a demanding college-preparatory education with a curriculum that teaches and models citizenship skills. We involve our students in many resources of downtown Raleigh—the government, performing arts, social services and the international community. RCHS will be a place of opportunity for highly motivated students and actively involved parents.
Our lessons stress active, social, and creative learning. Our students engage in serious lessons, and we hope that there is a lot of room for fun in their learning as well. Our teachers love to learn and to teach. We hope that our students will develop much knowledge and many skills as well as a deep love for learning.