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Support RCHS
Your Contributions Secure the Quality of Education at RCHS
Since our founding, Raleigh Charter High School has received strong financial and volunteer support from its families. The generosity of parents, alumni, alumni parents, and grandparents has enabled our school to offer a vibrant educational community focused on citizenship. Our school offers a challenging curriculum, small classes, and active learning and our teachers are caring, innovative, and passionate about their work. As a public charter school, we face unique financial challenges. Contributions play a critical role in our ability to maintain this high-quality learning environment and we are fortunate to have a long history of strong support from our families. We encourage Raleigh Charter families to be part of this tradition of giving by donating today.
This is our year!
During 2025, we encourage you to support our school with a donation to the RCHS Foundation Campaign. Funds raised through the Foundation Campaign will allow us to pay off the loan on our school building, enabling us to raise teacher salaries and secure the financial future of the school. We are now in the home stretch of this multi-year campaign, and we need strong participation from our entire school community to bring this dream to reality.

Annual Support
The Phoenix Fund: Every Family, Every Year
Every year, we set a goal of raising $325,000 for the Phoenix Fund, which supports the day-to-day operations of our school. Achieving our Phoenix Fund goal allows us to meet critical expenses in the current year and confidently plan for the coming year. The Phoenix Fund is a permanent and essential element of our annual operating budget and we greatly appreciate the support that our families continue to show to this effort. Phoenix Fund dollars keep classes small and well supplied.
The 2024-2025 Phoenix Fund video explains how your gifts help our school.
As a line item in our annual budget, contributions are used to supplement low per-pupil funding and make our day-to-day operations possible. The Phoenix Fund is critical because the quality of education we offer costs more than state and local funding provides. Money raised through the Phoenix Fund does not pay for extras; it pays for essentials. Support of the Phoenix Fund gives us the ability to:
keep classes small
attract and retain excellent teachers and staff
provide our students and classrooms with essential resources such as Chromebooks and textbooks and basic supplies like dry erase markers and paper
maintain our building and campus
At RCHS, we have always relied on caring and steadfast support from our community. Please join in this tradition of giving by donating today. Every gift of every size helps us reach our goal.
Ways to support the annual phoenix fund
Set up a recurring monthly gift online or through your bank
Ask your employer to multiply your support with a corporate matching gift
Give through your Donor Advised Fund
Participate in a Workplace Giving Campaign like SECC and United Way (Workplace campaign identification numbers: SECC #3624, United Way (write-in RCHS)
Learn More About Supporting RCHS
The 2024-2025 Phoenix Fund video explains how your gifts help our school:
This video explains the goals of the Phoenix and Foundation Funds in more detail:
Charitable Giving Information​
Raleigh Charter High School and Raleigh Charter High School Foundation are two separate 501(c)(3) charitable organizations. Your gift is tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
For gifts to the Phoenix Fund, direct your donation to Raleigh Charter High School (Federal tax ID: 56-2121381)
For gifts to the Foundation Fund, direct your donation to Raleigh Charter High School Foundation (Federal tax ID: 26-4266980).
If you have questions, please contact the Development Office at development@raleighcharterhs.org.