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Charitable Giving Information
Raleigh Charter High School and Raleigh Charter High School Foundation are two separate 501(c)(3) charitable organizations. Your gift is tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
For gifts to the Phoenix Fund, direct your donation to Raleigh Charter High School (Federal tax ID: 56-2121381)
For gifts to the Foundation Fund, direct your donation to Raleigh Charter High School Foundation (Federal tax ID: 26-4266980).
If you have questions, please contact the Development Office at development@raleighcharterhs.org.
Matching Gifts
Increase Your Impact with a Matching Gift!
Increase the impact of your donation with a matching gift from your employer! Many corporations will match their employees' gifts to qualified non-profit organizations, like Raleigh Charter High School, Inc. and Raleigh Charter High School Foundation, Inc.
We have received matching gifts from dozens of companies over the years. Don't see your workplace listed below? Please consider inquiring with your HR or corporate responsibility department to see if your company will match your gift. Our Development team is happy to help you with the process!
RCHS currently receives matching gifts from many corporations, including:
A Few Ways to Secure a Matching Gift
Many companies provide an charitable giving online portal where employees can make a credit card or payroll donation and have it matched. Simply log in to your workplace's portal to make your donation and select RCHS as the recipient.
If you have already donated to RCHS this year, submit your receipt or a copy of your acknowledgment letter to your employer to request a matching gift.
Some employers even offer matching funds when their employees volunteer at nonprofits. For example, if you volunteer as a driver for Flex or Community Work Day, those hours count!